
Gemini Pipeline Rehab featured on the School Facilities & Operations Podcast
Sean Borris at Gemini Pipleline Rehabilitation solutions delves into the fascinating world of water & sewer line maintenance and restoration. With extensive experience in sewer

Gemini Pipeline Rehabilitation Solutions featured on The Modern Facilities Management Podcast
Sean Borris, President of Gemini Pipeline Rehabilitation Solutions joins the latest episode of The Modern Facilities Management podcast. With over a decade of experience in the

Non-Invasive Pipe Rehab: Fixing Failed Pipe Without Tearing Apart A Buildings’ Interior
Old Pipes Are often Taken for Granted Sometimes a leaking pipe may be an isolated incident but it could be indicative of a large scale

Trenchless Rehabilitation- PE: Strengths & Weaknesses
Polyethylene (PE) Material Overview ALL trenchless rehabilitation solutions have inherent strengths and limitations. Polyethylene, Poly, or PE for short; has many terrific qualities that make

NASTT Case Study: Large Diameter Pressure Pipeline Rehabilitation Project
NASTT Abstract: In 2019, the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District installed the first tight-fit HDPE pipeline liner system inside a large diameter watermain in the

NASTT Case Study: Medium Diameter Compressed Fit HDPE Lining Rehabilitation Project
COMCD Del City Raw Water Pipeline Rehabilitation Abstract: This NASTT paper will review the Del City Pipeline improvement project which included rehabilitating 9,200 linear feet