Non-Invasive Pipe Rehab: Fixing Failed Pipe Without Tearing Apart A Buildings’ Interior

Old Pipes Are often Taken for Granted Sometimes a leaking pipe may be an isolated incident but it could be indicative of a large scale issue that if not properly addressed; could fester and grow in significance. If the condition of the piping system continues to deteriorate, it could lead to an increase in the […]
Trenchless Rehabilitation- PE: Strengths & Weaknesses

Polyethylene (PE) Material Overview ALL trenchless rehabilitation solutions have inherent strengths and limitations. Polyethylene, Poly, or PE for short; has many terrific qualities that make it an excellent choice for trenchless rehabilitation but in fairness, it does have a few limitations. PE is an excellent rehabilitation option in many water, sewer, mining, industrial, oil and […]
NASTT Case Study: Large Diameter Pressure Pipeline Rehabilitation Project

NASTT Abstract: In 2019, the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District installed the first tight-fit HDPE pipeline liner system inside a large diameter watermain in the state of Utah. The project included rehabilitation of 1.5 miles of 30-inch and 27-inch diameter AWWA C303 “Bar-wrapped” and non-standard non-cylinder reinforced concrete drinking water pressure pipeline originally installed in […]
NASTT Case Study: Medium Diameter Compressed Fit HDPE Lining Rehabilitation Project

COMCD Del City Raw Water Pipeline Rehabilitation Abstract: This NASTT paper will review the Del City Pipeline improvement project which included rehabilitating 9,200 linear feet of 18-in, 21-in, and 24-in reinforced concrete piping with a compressed fit HDPE liner system installed by Aegion Corporation. The raw water pipeline traveled under an interstate, around an Air […]
Trenchless Rehabilitation Solutions: Product & Cost Comparison

Trenchless Technology Product Overview ALL trenchless rehabilitation solutions have inherent strengths and limitations. For example, there are pressure rated systems that are capable of spanning miles without requiring access but require a significant footprint for staging or installation. Others are solely liners and intended to repair tight radius bends or fittings while relying on the […]
NASTT Case Study: Emergency Sewer Force Main Trenchless Rehabilitation Project in Valley Forge National Historic Park

NASTT Abstract: Tredyffrin Township faced three catastrophic failures of a 30-inch Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP), the Wilson Road Sewage Force Main (WRFM), between 2012 and 2014.. The majority of force main pipe is located within the national park, and the pipe alignment also parallels Valley Creek, which is an exceptional value trout stream. The compromised […]
NASTT Case Study: Water Pipeline Rehabilitation uses Trenchless Solution

NASTT Case Study Abstract: Older pipelines can pose a host of challenges for potable water infrastructure. Corrosion and tuberculation can contribute to everything from taste and odor issues, to decreased flow capacity. Assessment of an 18-mile-long segment of a 20-inch steel water pipeline, pressure rated at 100 psi, in Laramie, Wyoming, indicated the need for […]
NASTT Case Study: Pipeline in Mexico uses New Connection Method with Tight Fit HDPE Trenchless Lining System

NASTT Case Study Abstract: In 2017, a CO2 pipeline in southern Mexico was in need of an internal trenchless lining solution that would require an innovative new connection method to rehabilitate the pipeline. A pair of CO2 transport carbon steel pipelines owned and operated by Miller Pipeline had been out of service for 22 years […]
ASCE Case Study: Exploration of Loose-Fit and Tight-Fit Sliplining with Butt-Fusion Welded Thermoplastic Piping for Pipeline Rehabilitation

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Abstract: Trenchless rehabilitation of existing pipelines is a continually growing industry with many viable technologies available to the end user. Pipeline rehabilitation via sliplining methods is a well established means of trenchless construction that can sometimes be overlooked when evaluating rehabilitation options. With many older water and wastewater pipelines […]